The role of localization engineer in the globalization process

Read this article for a comprehensive overview of the localization engineer role and how this person can support the localization process.

storyblok and lingohub integration

Want to translate your Storyblok content faster and easier? Read this article to learn the key to success.

multidomestic strategy

Read in our blog about multidomestic strategy and how this approach can help businesses achieve success.

What is back translation

Learn more about back translation and how it works! Head over to our blog to get more information about this method.

Importance of branching and repository integrations in localization

Discover how Lingohub confidently implements branching feature for localization in our informative article. Learn more about branching abilities and Git and localization features.

SaaS localization best practices and challenges

SaaS localization is a complex task with a lot of corner stone. Read inside our blog how to solve the SaaS localization challenges.

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