blockchain localization

Blockchain is a cutting-edge technology that simplifies transactions globally. Read more about blockchain localization in our blog.

Translation and localization in the nonprofit industry

Interested in learning more about translation and localization in the nonprofit industry? Check out our article for more information!

How to choose the enterprise localization management system for businesses

Looking for the translation management system for enterprises? You are in the right place. Click to read more.

Slang and abbreviations_ 50 words to use

Slang words are an important part of communication. In this article, we overviewed the most often-used slang.

The evolution of LSP (language sevice providers)

Language service providers are organizations that offer a wide range of language services. Our team overviewed the origins of this industry, the stages it has traversed, and what the future holds.

Localization and translation alphabet From A to Z

The ABC for localization and translation provides descriptions of common terms to deepen your understanding of localization.

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