
Have no idea how to start the localization process? We combined a list of recommendations for creating a perfect localization strategy. Read more in our blog.

Checklist_ ISO language scripts

From hieroglyphs to alphabets and emoji, in software localization, choosing the right language script can make the difference between winning and losing in the app market.

ISO 639

In this article, we explained the ISO 639 language codes standard. Read to get more information about how these standardized codes are used to represent languages globally, facilitating localization across diverse linguistic landscapes.


One of the most popular Ruby gems for internationalization is Ruby I18n. We overviewed i18n for Ruby on Rails in this article. Click and find more inside.

i18n gem advanced features - Ruby on Rails internationalization

Find inside this article the highlighting of some i18n gem advanced features in Ruby on Rails internationalization.

PHP internationalization - i18n mechanisms tutorial

Looking for effective PHP internationalization with fewer hassles? We found the solution that will help you. Learn more inside our blog

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