What if you could tell your team that getting your software out to multiple language will not quadruple your overhead? It will not cost them long evening hours, reintegrating texts into resource files, answering emails from translation agencies, fixing formatting and mailing back because since you originally sent the master files, so much has already changed again... what if all that was super easy, and not at all such a hassle like it used to be?
Lingohub will reduce the overhead for you, so what is left to do? Just pay the translation. Here is a short video of our message to you... Lingohub is your best friend for software localization. Simple integration, great file-handling, translation interface right in the browser, access to translators.
Lingohub - Hassle free software localization, zero overhead from Lingohub on Vimeo.
Lingohub offers one platform for product owners and translators to build successful work relationships across the globe. We smoothly integrate localization into the software development process, while acting as a translation marketplace and payment platform. Vendors benefit from hassle-free, on-demand software localization to deliver their applications globally. Translators enjoy the most intuitive, context-aware work environment.
Lingohub offers flexible solutions for the software development side as well as the translation side of the localization business, unified on one platform built for simplicity, scalability and adaptivity. The global market shows a clear demand for streamlining and reinvention of the localization process. Be Global, Go Local!