What Lingohub will do for you?
Manage all your translation processes in one place
Verify and improve text quality
Find and hire translators and authors
Integrate with your websites, CMS, eCommerce
Localisation that works for you, not against you
Full support for your GIT repo: branching, PRs
Use Lingohub’s REST API, CLI and workflows for automation
Integrate with your tools: GitHub, GitLab, Slack
Use Lingohub’s web-based translation suite without installation
Includes automatic activity tracking and translation reports
Build your online web business and web presence
Coming soon
Accept payments worldwide and automatic financial reports
Coming soon
Text in many language in one place.
Until now, you had to use multiple service to localise your web and mobile apps, marketing materials, and documents. Lingohub connects and combines all your text management into one powerful experience.
An editor built from the ground up for language managers and translators.
Online Editor
Two editor's views for comprehensive segments management - focus the attention on the specific segments or get a complete overview.
Different teams working together. Your text is scattered in different tools: code hosting, chats, CMS-headless or not, help center, your database, documents, web apps, mobile apps. Lingohub connects and creates calm.
Smooth integrations
Connect your preferred tools, such as repositories, applications, design tools and CMS, to enhance the localization process and increase efficiency.
A translation tool you can depend on.
Lingohub contains all the translation engines you need:
translation memory, machine translation, glossary and style guide. All available at you fingertips.
Never start from zero again.
Translation memory
Never translate your texts twice and stay consistent. With every translation your translation memory gets smarter.
A marketplace for skills. You can understand a language with your head, but only one language speaks to your heart your own language. Talk to your customers in a language that they not only understand but feel.
Bring your own translators
Work with existing team members and translators right from the start. Track word counts, assignt budgets, and do payouts in one place.