We understand that every business is unique and requires tools to cover the pain points related to its specific needs. In addition to the industry, region, and other factors, one of the main differences that condition the business's needs is its size.

Small, medium, and enterprise businesses seeking solutions with the same core functionality will look for different additional features as their essential requirements differ. So, valuable tips for one business segment wouldn't have the same value for another. In this article, we have chosen to delve into the specific challenges enterprises face during the localization process and how Lingohub, an enterprise translation management system, can address these issues in detail.

Who are enterprises?

When we refer to an enterprise company, we imply a large organization with a complex management structure and infrastructure, with many employees (often) and departments. Such companies are usually international and have significant influence in their industry. Based on the information above, the main distinctive features of Enterprises are:

  • Big amount of data;
  • Complex and various integrations;
  • A large number of employees and offices around the world;
  • Multi-level management structure and complex business processes;
  • High cost of errors;

These peculiarities create specific requirements for enterprise translation management systems when businesses decide to go global or already do so, as localization is a constant part of business growth. This tendency is especially pronounced in sectors such as b2c or b2b2c segments. For example, 84% of businesses claim that localization significantly boosts revenue.

At the same time, almost a quarter of the respondents declare that translation quality is the biggest challenge during marketing content translation. The thing is that enterprise-level companies can have tens or even hundreds of thousands of pages that require translation, including specific user documentation, blogs, shop cards, etc. All this content must maintain high consistency and quality. Even a tiny error, such as a term translation mistake, can have a widespread impact across thousands of pages. And this is only one small example. Let's explore the question further and in detail.

Top 3 enterprise translation challenges during localization

1. Security risks

The enterprise translation management requires a highly protected environment to save sensitive data and tools, allowing additional protection steps from the company side. Of course, this point is essential for all types of users, but big corporations have elevated risks like:

  • Significantly larger volumes of data and regulations. The content, sensitive customer and partner information, financial data, and intellectual property are multiplied by various regional data protection laws and regulations. Thus, all new tools in the enterprise-level infrastructure should maintain the same high level of security.
  • Higher reputation damage. The brand's popularity and its high recognition lead to higher reputation risks in case of any security incidents. A prominent public profile means that all media (including social media) will quickly share the failure, affecting customer trust and stock prices.
  • An enterprise is a more attractive target for cyberattacks. The size of the enterprise, the sensitive data it stores, and the higher profit for scammers (both money and popularity) lead to more professional and persistent attacks on their infrastructure.
  • Increased internal risks. The broad and large employee base, which is geographically dispersed, leads to additional human error and insider threats.

The security challenges tend to grow, negatively affecting businesses. In 2023, the average data breach cost reached $4.45 million, which has increased by 15% over the last three years. So, considering the protection abilities is the first step for organizations when looking for a TMS (translation management system).

2. Scaling challenge

Another vital requirement for enterprise localization services is unlimited scaling abilities. This condition is determined because of a few interconnected reasons:

  • High cost for rebuilding processes. For large companies, frequently switching between applications is not cost-effective. Doing so would require hundreds of employees to spend time adapting to new applications, establishing new processes, and integrating them into existing systems.
  • Increased downtime. Changes in tools and processes can also lead to significant downtime, affecting productivity and delaying time to market for business products and services.

3. Sophisticated data management

Enterprise data translation means the dozens of file formats, translation teams, managers, different budgets per region, custom and built-in integrations with repositories, apps, etc., and all this data should be "at arm's length" and fully transparent, which is a challenge because of its volume. Otherwise, business may face the following problems:

  • Lost insights. The lack of transparency caused by ineffective data management processes means that important information can be hidden, and data-driven decisions will negatively impact the localization strategy.
  • Lost content consistency. Supporting documentation, such as term bases or style guides, is critical to localization data management. Outdated or incorrect information in these documents can confuse the localization team, give customers the wrong impression, and destroy the brand identity.
  • Failed processes and deadlines. Planning content translation priority and implementation when working with large data is challenging. Just imagine that every day, the development team provides updates, changes outdated functionalities, and, in parallel, develops new features that should be already translated for release. Thus, keeping abreast and providing timely translation would be impossible without an enterprise translation system.

So, we moved on to the second part of this article, which shows how the right enterprise translation system can solve all the possible localization issues that enterprises face.

How can the enterprise translation management system support businesses?

When Lingohub was initially designed, and during each new update, we considered the importance of every user segment and their individual needs. Thus, our features and services can easily solve all the above-mentioned challenges. Let's go step by step.

Solution 1. Security

To describe this question comprehensively, we need to split it into two parts: the built-in security and provided security tools.

The built-in security includes Lingohub GDPR compliance, using highly protected and secure Amazon Web Services with their world-class data centers, 24/7/365 monitoring, backups, encryption, and more. The security page provides additional information about how we protect your data.

At the same time, we have a list of security tools focused on providing our users with additional security layouts:

  • Enterprise SSO - that allows your team to authenticate to Lingohub projects through the company's existing credential provider.
  • SLA of 99,9% uptime guarantee - we can ensure the stability of our system.
  • Forced two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Custom roles and permissions allow the creation of user roles or provide entirely individual access.
  • Not changeable logs (audit, API, integrations) provide information about actions taken inside your Lingohub workspace.
  • Custom backups can be scheduled to keep all data safe.
  • Support self-hosted repositories for companies running them on servers within a company.
configure 2FA

Solution 2. Scalability

With Lingohub, you have no restrictions on the number of strings, users, projects, or languages. You can rest assured that if your project grows 2, 5, 10, or more times, you can still manage it with the same ease and convenience. This is possible primarily due to a well-organized workspace and support of more than 40 file formats.

An additional option that provides simple scalability is seamless integration with various repositories and apps. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual tasks and reduces the burden on your team.


Moreover, we understand how difficult it can be for enterprises to switch between platforms; that's why we offer to deduct invoices from your previous TMS for the last 12 months against the costs on Lingohub for the first 12 months. We will guide you along your migration and help you transfer all your projects.

migration support

Solution 3. Data management

The third main prop on which successful enterprise localization stays is transparent data management, regardless of content volume. Using Lingohub, with a few clicks, you can find any required information about your projects and manage all localization documentation. It's become possible because of the following features:

  • Dashboards per project/branch and overview of progress per language.
source and target languages overview
  • Work reports show what was done within the projects with the summary per user for the selected period.
work reports
  • Cost reports and custom rates that allow for automatically generated transactions and provide specific rates for translators.
cost report
  • Term base and style guide management just inside the app. These documents will be applied to the entire workspace, meaning any project will follow their predetermined rules.
  • Another part that will be extremely useful for companies with a lot of data is Lingohub's project and segment management abilities. Group projects, create labels to group text segments based on any needed criteria, use built-in statuses to control any localization stage, and fast overview the progress.
groups and labels

To sum up

Choosing the localization management system for enterprises is a long and complex process that requires a deep market analysis to find the best solution, but no less important is to choose a solution that will provide value in the future, even if the company's requirements will change and grow.

At Lingohub, we provide a high level of security, scalability, and data transparency for all our customers and are flexible for additional requirements that may arise. If you want to discuss your project with us - contact our team via [email protected] or book a demo call, and let's grow together!

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