Synchronize your Bitbucket repository with Lingohub translating projects
Synchronize resource files back and forth
Bitbucket is one of the most popular repository providers, and we at Lingohub created a premium experience for integrating Bitbucket with your Lingohub organization. Such an integration decreases the number of manual imports/exports to zero. Moreover, Lingohub automatically detects changes added to the repository and generates new text segments, ensuring seamless synchronization.
Control versions with branching
Managing versions and maintaining code organization are crucial aspects of software development. Lingohub supports branching, so you can easily localize the needed branches, ensuring that different parts of the project remain isolated and do not impact each other. Ensure the code is organized and error-free with Lingohub.
Avoid human mistakes
Forget about human errors by automating processes as much as possible. By eliminating manual tasks, your team can focus on more important things rather than dealing with the file exchange and related errors. Do what is essential.
Connect in a few clicks
Lingohub tips
Don't worry about technical issues with files. The quality checks detect missing or incorrect placeholders, tags, HTML markups, duplication, etc., to provide error-free files.
Upload segments to Bitbucket, translate them automatically with Prefill (choose machine translation or translation memory), and push them back. Faster as ever.