spot the difference

Are you looking for the best solution for localization? The market is vast, and sometimes, choosing the best option for your project is challenging. Lingohub cuts the language barriers for you with a system that combines a 360-degree overview of localization, robust CAT tools, and high security.

main advantages

The differences between
Lingohub vs Transifex

Transifex is a translation management system for software localization. Looking for the Transifex alternative? We compared the features of Lingohub vs. Transifex below:

Upgrade any of the pricing plans

No matter which pricing plan you choose, you can enjoy the advanced features of our plugins, such as Figma, Storyblok, Contentful, etc., and get your localization experience to the next level. In its turn, Transifex provides less flexibility in this regard. For instance, to connect your project to Contentful, you need to choose the Premium (from 420$) plan and above.

All features from the start

Lingohub provides cost-effective pricing choices for different teams without any limitations on features. Starting from the first plan, your team can enjoy all the features, including popular integrations such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, as well as CAT tools like style guides, screenshots, translation memory, glossary, and more. Transifex provides access to features like screenshots, a style guide, and unlimited branch support, starting from their second paid plan (Premium), which costs $420 monthly.

more benefits

Switch to Lingohub and get...

Control and manage localization finances

Lingohub provides two tools, "Contracts" and "Transactions," which, in combination, can cover financial management needs. With contracts, you can set up the rate for each translator separately (including the rate based on effort and the language.) Then, by using transactions, you can automatically calculate the final amount for each team member. All the calculations are transparent for the manager and translator, so you will always have a detailed report.

Multi editor

Besides two editor views - Focus (for concentrated work on translations) and Table (for a general overview and bulk actions), Lingohub provides the multi editor. That means your team can simultaneously translate segments for several languages. That will help to edit the translation for some segments if needed without switching between the languages or better understand the context through different languages by overviewing all the translations in one panel.

Automated connection to MT engines

Using Transifex, you must manually provide the API keys for the translating engines. Lingohub doesn't require any additional actions from the user to use this feature. Furthermore, the Lingohub translation management system employs the robust capabilities of DeepL, Amazon Translate, and Google Translate engines to deliver immediate and high-quality results.

Ready to-go machine translation

Lingohub vs Transifex

All features available from the start
Multi editor
Unlimited private projects from the start
Free plan for open-source
Internal communication features
Machine translation (no need client’s API keys)
Labels management
Contracts with translators
Transactions for translators
Notification management
Roles management (ability to create new roles)
Project groups
Figma plugin
paid plugin €49
XLIFF support
for all plans
TMX file support
for all plans
paid plugin €49
for all plans
Style Guide
for all plans
Context images/screenshots
for all plans


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