spot the difference

The quality of the localization tool has a significant impact on the whole process. Want the best for your business? Lingohub uses sophisticated cloud and integration technology for digital product translation. Sync with the repositories, ensure security, and get a list of translation and management tools in a single interface. Manage the localization projects efficiently and with ease.

main advantages

The differences between
Lingohub vs Crowdin

Crowdin is a solution that supports localization processes. If you would like to find an alternative to this product, let us compare the features of Lingohub vs. Crowdin below:

Empower small teams

Lingohub offers an unlimited number of private projects for all pricing plans. Create new ones, make tests, and split the tasks into different ones. With Crowdin, unlimited personal projects are opened to you from the Team plan and above, starting from $150 per month.

Unlimited connection and integrations

With Lingohub, there is no limit to the integration number for your projects. GitHub, Gitlab, Azure, and Bitbucket connections are available from the start. Some integrations like Figma or Zendesk are provided as paid add-ons, so you can additionally connect them if needed. The Crowdin pricing policy is partly based on the number of connections. For example, if you need 2 integrations, you can choose a Pro ($50) plan. If you need three - Team plan ($150). The higher plans provide unlimited integrations.

more benefits

Switch to Lingohub and get...

Contracts and transactions management

Lingohub users can create contracts inside the application separately for all translators. The contracts include specific rates for each employee based on efforts and translated languages. Based on this data, Lingohub automatically calculates transactions for a particular time so you can be sure about the final cost for all your content translations.

Advanced permissions and roles management

Manage accesses and roles. Any team member in Lingohub can have a list of different accesses. Provide individual permissions to projects, backups, import, export, etc. No matter if the user is the translator, freelancer, or manager, you can anytime manage the project data access for user groups or separate team members. Additionally, Lingohub users can create their own roles besides those already provided. Ensure the data is safe with Lingohub.

permissions and roles management

Ready to-go machine translation

Lingohub provides a robust machine translation feature, which includes the power of Google Translate, Amazon Translate, and DeepL from the start without any additional activities. Using Crowding, users should independently connect one of the available MT engines via API key or use Crowdin Translate (internal translation base taken from the projects with Global translation memory.)

Ready to-go machine translation

Lingohub vs Crowdin

All features available from the start
Multi editor
Unlimited private projects from the start
Free plan for open-source
Internal communication features
In-built machine translation (no need of client API keys)
Labels management
Contracts with translators
Transactions for translators
Notification management
Roles management (ability to create new roles)
Project groups
Figma plugin*
paid plugin €49*
XLIFF support
for all plans
TMX file support
for all plans
paid plugin €49*
for all plans
Style Guide
for all plans
Context images/screenshots
for all plans


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The information on this page is provided from publicly available sources and is valid as of 29.09.2022. Lingohub is not responsible for changing data on the sources and warns that the actual data can differ.
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