
Resource files list

Returns the list of the resource files of a given project.

GET /v1/{accountUrl}/projects/{projectUrl}/resources


accountUrl* required (path) - Account url. It is derived from the name of the organization.

projectUrl* required (path) - Project url. It is derived from the project's title.

localeInFileName (query) - determines if the locale info should be rendered in the file name: ALL(default), TARGETS, NONE.

addIso2Slug (query) - if true the iso2_slug parameter will be always added to the rendered resource file URLs.


OK: Returns a list of the project's resource files.


 "members": [
   "name": "string",
   "links": [
     "rel": "string",
     "href": "string",
     "media": "string",
     "title": "string",
     "type": "string"
   "project_locale": "string"
 "links": [
   "rel": "string",
   "href": "string",
   "media": "string",
   "title": "string",
   "type": "string"

Upload resource file

Uploads the given resource file to the specified project.

POST /v1/{accountUrl}/projects/{projectUrl}/resources


accountUrl* required (path) - Organization url. It is derived from the name of the organization

projectUrl* required (path) - Project url. It is derived from the project's title.

path (query) - Path where the resource file has to be uploaded

iso2_slug (query) - The iso code of the resource file locale. Alias of 'iso2_code'.

iso2_code (query) - The iso code of the resource file locale. Alias of 'iso2_slug'.

source:createNew (query) - This is a file belongs to the source language: If new segments should be created

source:updateExisting (query) - This is a file belongs to the source language: If changed segments should be updated

source:deactivateMissing (query) - This is a file belongs to the source language: If removed segments should be deactivated

target:createNew (query) - This is a file belongs to a target language: If new segments should be created

target:updateExisting (query) - This is a file belongs to a target language: If changed segments should be updated

target:deactivateMissing (query) - This is a file belongs to a target language: If removed segments should be deactivated

Download resource file

Downloads the requested resource file

GET /v1/{accountUrl}/projects/{projectUrl}/resources/{fileName}


accountUrl* required (path) - Organization url. It is derived from the name of the organization

projectUrl* required (path) - Project url. It is derived from the project's title

fileName* required (path) - Name of the resource file to download

path (query) - Path of the resource file to download. if the fileName won't be unique.

iso2_slug (query) - The iso code of the resource file locale. Alias of 'iso2_code'.

iso2_code (query) - The iso code of the resource file locale. Alias of 'iso2_slug'.

source:blankContentHandling (query) - Should the segment be exported if source content is blank. One of: keep, skip

target:blankContentHandling (query) - Should the segment be exported if target content is blank. One of: fallback, use_source, keep, skip

source:filterByStatus (query) - Filter for source segments based on status. One of: ALL, TRANSLATED_AND_APPROVED, APPROVED

target:filterByStatus (query) - Filter for target segments based on status. One of: ALL, TRANSLATED_AND_APPROVED, APPROVED

htmlEncoding (query) - If the segment content holds HTML. How should it be escaped. One of: RAW, ESCAPE, CDATA

encoding (query) - The character set encoding the file should have.

escapeMode (query) - Alias of 'htmlEncoding'

addLocaleInformationToFilename (query) - One of: ALL, TARGETS, NONE

escapeCharacters (query) - If special characters should be escaped. Different behaviour according to resource type

exportTargetComments (query) - Should comments be exported to files of the target language

exportSourceLocale (query) - If a resource file holds multiple languages, this indicates if the source language should be included in this export

exportHeader (query) - If the file header (if applicable) should be exported

exportTitle (query) - exportTitle Description

exportDescription (query) - If a resource file holds multiple languages, this indicates if the description of the segments should be exported at all

projectType (query) - Overrides the project type of the project for this export. Enables to eg. download an iOS file as Android XML or vice versa.

Last updated